Saturday, July 13, 2013

Columbus Day Trip

We met our dear friends, the Jones family in Columbus for the day. It has been about two years since we have seen them--which is too long! We met first for lunch, then headed to the zoo. It was a hot, but beautiful day. With six kids six and under, we really didn't see many animals...but we did make it to the bathroom a few times. Got to love little girls! The train ride was probably the highlight of the zoo for the kids. They loved it.

Amy and I

Lunch at Jason's Deli


On the train ride. The girls loved it!

Boys on the train

This was by far the coolest thing I have seen at a zoo in a while. This polar bear was sitting on the glass and we were viewing from under. It looked like a stuffed bear. But it started to stand up after a few minutes.

After dinner at Max and Erma's. Saying good-bye to our friends. Jack was asking how far away Louisville was from Arkansas on the way home.

I attempted to get the sunset on the way home, but missed the bright red sun behind these trees.

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