Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Last Baseball Game

Since there were so many rain-outs this summer, the boys had a make-up game tonight. The girls had swim lessons, so I missed the top of the first inning, but when I got there, I had three different people tell me Jack first hit was huge. I took some videos of his next two hits, which were good, too. He had a great season with all his former St. Joseph's kindergarten classmates and I think he will miss some of these boys.

After the game, the coach handed out trophies and Jack was the first one called. He went up to Mr. Krugmen, shook his hand, and asked him, "Should I say something?" I swear this boy makes us laugh. Another mom came up to me and was telling me how much she adored Jack and his personality. She told me he husband, who helps coach, was standing near second base with Jack and asked him if he was moving soon. Jack told him, "Well, I'm going to finish this game first." And then told him how cool his new house was because it had a pool. Good thing we got one with a pool, it will make it easier for him to adjust! Actually, I think he will do totally fine. We will miss this crew, but we are ready to move and will begin to make new friends soon.


Here is a picture of the girls after swim lessons

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