Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Last WMOTC Playgroup

I joined the West shore Mothers of Twins and More Club shortly after moving here. We have met some wonderful friends and moms through this group. Today, I attended a playgroup at a baby pool in Westlake. Since I knew Jack would not love going with us, he went to a friend's house. There were two other sets of triplet girls there and one set of boy, girl, girl triplets, plus other twins. It was sort of neat to see all the kids. I didn't take any pictures of the girls while swimming, but got them walking into the pool and walking out.

What a difference a year makes! Last summer we went to a few of these playgroups and I pushed a stroller, wore a swimsuit and was nervous, time to go couldn't come soon enough...today, the girls carried their bags with their change of clothes and marched right in to the pool and played until I had to pick up Jack. They had a blast playing with their "triplet friends."


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