Sunday, November 3, 2013

Last Fall Ball Game

Jack had his last baseball game today. His team, which is made up of young players, has not won a game all season. Today they tied. And Jack scored the tying run. It was the second to last inning and he hit a double, stole third base and scored on a base hit. I brought the video camera and I am glad I did. I got the whole thing on video, complete with his arms going straight over his head after he scored. I think he has been watching too much baseball on TV! John asked him if he thought he was Johnny Gomes running in from left field when the Red Sox won the World Series!

In all fairness, the boys played great and since they were the home team, they only played part of the last inning before the game was called for time (they play 90 minutes). Jack's team had men on first and second base with no outs when the game was called, so they could have scored and actually won a game, but we will take a tie. The parents were a little disappointed not to see the rest of the inning! It was a fun league and Jack learned so much. He really likes baseball and asked to play machine pitch next spring.

Since I video taped Jack I don't have that many pictures of him.

Right after his double
Right after he scored

The girls keep themselves busy at the games playing tag, duck, duck, goose and with their toys they bring with them.

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