Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving day started off very cold at the Galloping Gobbler. Jack and John ran (Jack walked Aunt Sue Sue and Aunt Michele) the 4 mile race and I ran the 15K. It was in the teens with the wind chill! It was fun though. After finishing the races and taking HOT showers, we went to Grandmom's and Granddad's house for dinner and then later in the afternoon we went to the Chiazza's house for more food and desert. Whew! What a fun and busy day!

The kids had a blast with all of their cousins!

 Elizabeth giving Elizabeth a hug

The older kids made place cards for everyone. John's was by the far funniest. We couldn't tell if he was carrying a purse or what?


 dividing up the extra strawberries

 Aunt Julie with Kate and Elizabeth

The 4 year-old table

 Trying to put the left-overs away...always a challenge!

The older girls put on a play with some help from Jack and Abby.  It was cute!

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