Saturday, February 27, 2016

Disney~Saturday February 27th DISNEY SPRINGS

Since it was so crowded on Sunday when we went to Disney Springs, we decided to go back today for lunch since our flight took off later in the day. We woke up, packed up and had breakfast before we said good-bye to Mimi who had an earlier flight and had to catch the shuttle to the airport around 11am. We headed to Disney Springs and ate lunch at Earl of Sandwich then we walked around a bit before taking the boat back to our hotel to catch our shuttle to the airport.

What a fun trip! It was busy. The kids had a blast. They loved the airplane, seeing Mimi, missing school, riding the roller coaster, spending time with Dad and all of us, the food, the characters, the junk food, the new stuffed animals, toys and hats and I'm sure I could go on. It was something we will always remember.

Lego land

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