Monday, August 10, 2009

31.5 Weeks

I had another doctor's appointment today. I also had an ultrasound. These baby girls are quite big! Baby A weighed in at 3# 14 oz, heart rate was 146. Baby B weighed in at 3#15 oz, heart rate was 146 and Baby C weighed in at 3# 11 oz and heart rate was 138. So, that is 11.5 # of baby, plus probably 3# of placenta weight and 3# of amniotic fluid. Yikes! Their fluid levels were fine which is good because the indocin that I got in the hospital can cause low amniotic fluid levels. My office visit went well. I had no more dilation. I did loose all my swelling from the steroids I received in the hospital. The doctor told me the swelling in my legs wouldn't go away until I delivered the babies, but it did. Thank goodness, it was not comfortable. My blood pressure was slightly elevated (120/90 and 122/88). It has been so low this pregnancy 100/70 or lower. It is the diastolic number they were concerned about, but since I had no other signs of preeclampsia they sent me home and told me to come back next week. So, that is where we are for the time being. I am tired of not sleeping, the aches and pains and protruding stomach, but I am thankful these kids are staying put. Every day in the womb is 4-5 days fewer in the neonatal intensive care unit. At the rate we are going, the babies might not spend much time in the unit at all.

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