Sunday, August 2, 2009

Grandmom Comes to Visit

Jack is getting pretty used to all our visitors and the spoiling that comes with grandparents. Papa came last week and Jack had a blast. He told me today that Papa was coming back tomorrow...I had to tell him he was not coming back. He loves his watermelon gum that papa bought him and talks about his trips to the parks and donuts that Papa gave him. Thanks Jerry for all the help last week. We couldn't have made it work without you being here.

Grandmom came up to help out this week and of course, she always has something in that car of hers for him--the sad part is, he knows this. This cheetah came out today and after blowing it up, Jack loved it. It is twice the size of him, and he can't carry it, but he didn't seem to mind. Thanks for helping us out, Grandmom, we appreciate all you do for us.

He attempted to sit on it's lap. This was easier said than done.

He finally manages to tackle the cheetah

Grandmom helps Jack with his tricycle and bike riding outside

Jack takes a break from riding and helps his dad with some yard work

Continuing the work that Jerry started last week. We are trying to get our backyard in some sort of order.

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