Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bili Lights

All three girls are under bili lights now. This is pretty common for preemies their ages. They all had "glasses" on to protect their eyes. Today was the first day I was able to really see them and the nurses were nice enough to take them all out of their isolettes so I could hold them. I was actually able to nurse each of them as well, and although, they latched on well, they still have a long way to go to learn to nurse and eat from a bottle. Each of them have been able to take a bottle feeding in addition to getting their feedings from a tube that goes from their nose to their stomachs. The hope is tolerate the feedings and gradually increase the amount of food and decrease their IV fluids. Today, the amount of formula/breast milk at each feeding was 4cc (Elizabeth), 7cc (Kate) and 11cc (Anna). 5cc equals 1 tsp.




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