Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Grandmom and Granddad Holding the Last 3 of 5 Granddaughters Born this Year

Grandmom and Granddad have seen the girls, but today they were able to hold each one of them for the first time. Since May, they have become Grandparents to 5 granddaughters. Starting with my brother's baby, Mia, born in May, then my sister Sarah had her first baby, Marie, born in July, and finally, we added 3 more last week. Can you imagine 5 new girls in 4 months. Wonder what Christmas will be like with these 5 girls running the house in a few years?

Granddad holding Kate

Grandmom holding Kate

Granddad holding Elizabeth

Grandmom holding Elizabeth

Granddad holding Anna

Grandmom holding Anna

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