Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Girls Have Arrived!

Just wanted to post a quick update. My lab values from Wednesday's appointment were slightly off so the doctor called me on Thursday to tell me to come in to be rechecked on Friday. In the office, my blood pressure was higher and they decided to send me over to the hospital for fear of developing preeclampsia. Once my labs were repeated on Friday morning, it was decided to go on with the delivery and not wait until I got too sick. Everything went very fast from that decision. The IV was started, I received my epidural, the doctor broke my water and pitocin was started. I was completely dilated 2 hours after my pitocin was started. We proceeded to the delivery room. Baby A was out with one push and Baby B was delivered one minute later by the doctor via breech extraction. Baby C was too far up in my rib cage for the doctor to deliver, so after a few minutes of trying, it turned into a quick c-section and Baby C was delivered 10 minutes later.

Formerly Baby A
Anna Victoria Scudder
8/21/09 @ 4:10 pm
4 lbs 3 oz
17 3/4 "

Formerly Baby B
Elizabeth Kristine Scudder
4:11 pm
3 lbs 1 oz
17 1/4"

Formerly Baby C
Katherine "Kate" Maxine Scudder
4:21 pm
3 lbs 12 oz
18 1/4"

All three girls are doing excellent. I was anxious to see them tonight since I have been on the Mag Sulfate for the preeclampsia which made me feel awful. I couldn't leave my bed until they were able to turn off the pump. The girls are breathing on their own with no oxygen, have started to feed via OG tubes (tube from mouth to stomach) my pumped milk and are under some bili lights for their bilirubin levels. Elizabeth, the smallest, seems to be a fighter. Tonight she was sucking on her pacifier and very alert, despite dropping to 2 lbs 14 oz last night. She has the lightest hair. Anna looks just like my dad and his side of the family. She managed to pull out her feeding tube tonight. Kate looks like her older brother Jack as a baby. She likes to chew/suck on her IV board (notice she is the only one who needs a board to keep in her IV).
We are relieved to have the labor process over and healthy babies.

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