Wednesday, April 28, 2010


OK, so I debated on if I should post these pictures of my garden. You live and learn.

I decided to plant a garden this year. My hope was to grow some great veggies for all of us to enjoy and make some great, nutritious baby food for the girls at the same time. Well, as usual, I think things are easier said than done. I finally found an OK spot for the garden and planted the seeds with Jack and my nephew, Nicholas. One of my good friends has since come over, looked at my garden, and almost laughed out loud at me. She was really nice, but told me I have WAY too much planted in such a small space. My problem is the lack of sunlight in my back yard, so I planted them all in one small space. I will have to weed out the plants when they come up and move some of them behind the garage. I also planted WAY too many seeds, so I think I will have extra plants in a few weeks...any takers?

             Jack and Nicholas pointing at the seeds they planted. I had them eat two popsicles that day so I could label my garden rows. Notice the lack of shoes on Jack...Hard to keep shoes on him these days. Oh, and our fence needs some work, too.
I planted snap peas, beans, yellow beans, cucumbers, winter squash and zucchini. In the pots are green peppers, two types of lettuce and herbs.

Once the plants come up, I'll have to figure out a way to keep the bunnies out!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Anna the Bully

Just wanted to add a funny story. Tonight, John was holding both Anna and Kate as I was unloading the many bags from our trip. I heard him laughing and when I came in the room, Kate was crying and Anna was sitting next to her looking smug sucking on her pacifier. When I asked John was happened, he told me that Anna reached over and took the pacifier out of Kate's mouth and put it into her own...the little bully! Poor Kate, she had better learn to hold her own against her sisters! (By the way, John gave Kate the pacifier back and she was happily sucking on it when I walked by a few minutes later.)

Grandparents and the Kids

Grandmom and the girls

Grandmom and the Scudder Kids
Grandmom and granddad with the Scudder kids

Mimi and Kate
Mimi and Elizabeth
The girls with Mimi and Papa
Mimi and Papa and the Scudder kids

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Four Generations

We were able to spend time with my grandparents after Church today. We always like to see them every time we visit home. Our kids are so blessed to have such wonderful great grandparents!

                                             Four generations!
Grandmother with Kate
Jack wouldn't get in the picture. Must have had enough with the pictures by this point!

Grandfather telling Jack a story.

A Family Picture

Scudder Cousins

Saturday Pictures

We always have a great time seeing both sides of the family when we travel to our home town. The cousins are getting older and have so much fun--especially Jack, who thinks he is as old as the big kids. Durig the entire drive to Indiana, he was the classic sterotypical child..."are we there yet?", and "are we on the highway?", and "is this another highway?"...and on the way home, "when are we going back to Mimi and Papa's?", and "I wanted to sleep at Grandmom's again." There is no shortage of love for his cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents!

                                               Aunt Mary and Elizabeth
Aunt Cindy, Claire and Margaret with the girls
Papa and Elizabeth
Two peas in a pod--Margaret and Claire. These two love helping with the babies.
Aunt Mary and Jack. Jack loves to play with my pink wallet lately. He will stuff it with the car keys and garage door openers. Silly kid!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Bath Time

What is a document of a baby's first year without bath pictures? Since we were visiting grandparents this weekend, I took a few pictures at bath time. We have a picture of Jack in the sink during a bath at Grandmom's when he was around the same age as the girls.

Elizabeth wasn't too sure about Grandmom

Kate loves her baths


Because I can't get enough of that little tongue!

Poor Elizabeth...she always seems to be the one who is shoved in different places...

Weekend in Indiana

Since my pregnancy last year, we have not been able to get to Indiana as frequently as we would like to visit family. This weekend, however, we loaded up the van and traveled there. It was a busy, but great weekend! We are already looking forward to returning there next month.

My mom took this picture. When we come into town, we literally move in! Look at all that baby gear!

Friday night we had a function at our old High School. Uncle Mike is accepting his award.

Jack loved every minute of the "banquet" as he called it. The girls stayed back at Grandmom's and had their first baby-sitters. They were great for their Aunt Denise and cousins, Cecilia and Maria.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Eight Months Old

Where does the time go? Our baby girls are now eight months old! They are each such individual little ladies developing at different speeds. It seems like they each have their own specialities. Kate is our roller. Anna and Elizabeth sit, Elizabeth holds her bottle the best and opens her hands to clap. Kate reaches and grabs for toys. Anna loves to smile and stick out her tongue.

I tried to get a few pictures this morning, but the girls were a little grumpy...oh well, I don't think I have a shortage of pictures of them...

Anna is 24.25 inches long, her head measures 42 cm and she is 11 lbs. 6.5 oz.

Always with her tongue out!

Elizabeth is 24.25 inches long, her head measues 42 cm and she is 10 lbs. 5 oz.

A new sitter! Check out her mohawk!

Kate is 24.25 inches long, her head measures 41.25 cm and she is 10 lbs. 6 oz.

And I always try to get one of all three of them. This is getting to be quite a challenge!

Hey, look at me!