Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Day!

We started Easter day by going to mass. During mass, the Easter bunny dropped off baskets and goodies for the kids and left a bunch of eggs outside. Jack found the gum and really didn't even want to open any of his Easter gifts or find the eggs! We finally got him to leave the gum and find the eggs. The girls watched from their stroller.

Can't believe we have four baskets this year!
The girls with their new water bottles. No fighting, they all have different colors and each one has their name on it.
Watching Jack get the eggs

Grandmom helps Jack

After the egg hunt, we enjoyed a great dinner and relaxed most of the day. All the kids took naps and were asleep at the same time for a short while! We enjoyed having grandparents here to celebrate Easter!!

Anna fell asleep twice in Granddad's arms today. She loves to be held!

We are really working hard with the girls to learn to sit up better.

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