Friday, April 9, 2010

A Day in the Life

I have been meaning to write another day in our life for a while! Here is a typical day at our house when the girls are 7.5 months old and Jack is over 3 years old.

The day starts around 6-6:30 (although Jack is sometimes up at 5:30 when John is leaving, he will lay in my bed with me until I am ready to get up). I will get up and shower and pump. Jack gets breakfast at 7am and I get the girls who are usually up by 7-7:30. They are really great at "talking" with each other while I take each one downstairs, change, weigh and get them started on their bottles. Jack will also entertain them upstairs while I am downstairs. I think he dances around in the middle of their room, talks to them, gives them toys and turns on their fish tanks. Once they are all dressed and fed, I will start making the day's bottles and get Jack dressed and ready for school (Wednesday/Friday) or playgroup (Monday). I will pump again finish the bottles, clean up the kitchen and make the beds. Madeleine is here to help on Monday/Wednesday and Friday by 830. The girls will get baths on these days. They nap at 930. This nap is usually an hour to an hour and a half. I wake them up by 11 if they are not up already. The girls get another bottle at 11 and I nurse one baby. Jack and I eat lunch and on nice days we pack up the girls in the stroller and take Carter to a park for lunch. Jack can then play for a little while. We try to be back by one when the girls nap again. This nap varies each day and varies per baby too. Sometimes they sleep for an hour, sometimes 2.5 hours. They get another bottle at 3 pm and I nurse one baby. Depending on the length of the second nap, I will put them down for a third nap between 330-4pm and will always wake them at 5pm. Madeleine leaves at 4:30 on M/W/F and we usually have some volunteers from church come to help us in the evenings. Jack and I eat dinner at 430-5pm. The girls eat dinner at 5pm. We then play until around 6:45 pm when I get Jack in bed. The girls are changed and get another bottle at 7pm and they are in bed right after. By 7:30pm all four kids are sleeping...I pump, clean the bottles, organize, clean the kitchen, etc. Then, I pump one more time before going to bed.

Madeleine comes later on Tuesday/Thursdays and stays until 7pm, which is nice. I can usually get grocery shopping done with Jack on a Tuesday or Thursday afternoon and Jack and I sometimes visit a friend, too.

The girls are taking 6 oz. bottles of mixed breast milk and Organic Similac. They are off the extra calories as of today. There are four feedings and since they all take bottles in the morning and evening, I take turns who I nurse during the other two feedings. So, every third day, one baby doesn't get nursed, but instead gets four bottle feedings. They are eating carrots, green beans and rice cereal. They have also started to eat Gerber puffs that I break in half. They all sit in their high chairs and I feed them from the same spoon taking turns. They will eat on jar of veggies plus 3-4 TBS of rice cereal. It is quite a sight and also noisy. While I am feeding one, the other two are smacking their lips ;). For the most part, they are getting used to taking turns. When I first started feeding them, it seemed like there was at least one that didn't want to wait her turn and wasn't shy about telling me this! But, as a triplet, they will have to learn they will have to wait for things in life. I don't have time to feed each one separately.

Anna is the worst eater (I really thought she would be the best one). She sticks her tongue out like a lizard and I re-feed her the same spoonful multiple times. She spits out the puffs and gets frustrated with them. She is so content to suck on her pacifier. I usually give her two bites of food and then give her the pacifier and skip her on the next round. She is sitting by herself (as of today), still NOT rolling, but loves to play on her tummy and is very strong--probably the strongest. She sticks out her tongue all the time, even when she smiles. She laughs and squeals at toys, us, her sisters and Jack. She is a happy baby most of the time. We recently put her in a separate room for naps since she seemed to be taking the shortest naps and waking up Kate. She loves to be held and loves her pacifier. She can pick up her pacifier and put it in her mouth by herself. She grabs toys, transfers them from hand to hand, turns pages and pushes buttons. Anna gets really excited at times and hits at her toys and laughs. She has recently found her feet while sitting. Her hair is coming in light brown and her eyes are still a pale blue. She is our hefty one, just over 11 lbs.

Kate does OK with her meals. She won't open her mouth for the spoon, and spits all the food out. However, she gets better during the feedings and usually by the end, she isn't spitting out everything. She also loves her pacifier and will take it out of her mouth and put it back in by herself. She is so content and happy almost all the time. It seems like she only cries when she is really tired (Anna woke her up too early). She rolls from her back and plays on her stomach, back or sitting in the boppy (basically anywhere we put her down, she plays). She grabs toys, transfers them, turns pages and pushes buttons. She has a cute closed mouth smile and also squints her eyes. She doesn't really have much hair, and I am not sure what color it will be when it comes in. Her eyes are a hazel/brown. She is just over 10 lbs.

Elizabeth is my best eater. She opens her mouth usually and hardly spits out her food anymore. She is also the one who gets impatient waiting her turn to eat. She will not take a pacifier, but will put everything in her mouth. She loves to play under the play mat and will squeal with happiness at her toys, Jack, her sisters or me. She also has this high pitched girly scream when she wants attention or gets mad. If I am sitting down playing with her and get up to get her sister or leave the room, she will let out this scream. She is such a smart little one. She watches her sisters get picked up when they cry and she joins right in so she can be held too. She doesn't roll, but is getting stronger and sits well in the boppy. She is my happiest baby, but also will get the most mad, too. She picks up toys, transfers them, pushes buttons and turns pages. She has found her feet while sitting and likes to kick off her socks. Her hair is coming in blonde and her eyes are bright blue. Right now, she has a little mohawk which is really cute. She is just over 10 lbs.

All three girls are wearing 0-3 month clothing and some 3-6 month. They still like the swing and Anna likes the exersaucer. Sometimes Elizabeth will play in there too. Elizabeth will hold her bottle most of the time and the other two are getting close--they just seem to be a little lazy and like me to hold it for them. The love noise, lights and vibrating toys. We are at a fun stage! (I think I say this at every stage-hehe).

Tired by the end of the day.

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