Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Eight Months Old

Where does the time go? Our baby girls are now eight months old! They are each such individual little ladies developing at different speeds. It seems like they each have their own specialities. Kate is our roller. Anna and Elizabeth sit, Elizabeth holds her bottle the best and opens her hands to clap. Kate reaches and grabs for toys. Anna loves to smile and stick out her tongue.

I tried to get a few pictures this morning, but the girls were a little grumpy...oh well, I don't think I have a shortage of pictures of them...

Anna is 24.25 inches long, her head measures 42 cm and she is 11 lbs. 6.5 oz.

Always with her tongue out!

Elizabeth is 24.25 inches long, her head measues 42 cm and she is 10 lbs. 5 oz.

A new sitter! Check out her mohawk!

Kate is 24.25 inches long, her head measures 41.25 cm and she is 10 lbs. 6 oz.

And I always try to get one of all three of them. This is getting to be quite a challenge!

Hey, look at me!

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