Wednesday, April 28, 2010


OK, so I debated on if I should post these pictures of my garden. You live and learn.

I decided to plant a garden this year. My hope was to grow some great veggies for all of us to enjoy and make some great, nutritious baby food for the girls at the same time. Well, as usual, I think things are easier said than done. I finally found an OK spot for the garden and planted the seeds with Jack and my nephew, Nicholas. One of my good friends has since come over, looked at my garden, and almost laughed out loud at me. She was really nice, but told me I have WAY too much planted in such a small space. My problem is the lack of sunlight in my back yard, so I planted them all in one small space. I will have to weed out the plants when they come up and move some of them behind the garage. I also planted WAY too many seeds, so I think I will have extra plants in a few weeks...any takers?

             Jack and Nicholas pointing at the seeds they planted. I had them eat two popsicles that day so I could label my garden rows. Notice the lack of shoes on Jack...Hard to keep shoes on him these days. Oh, and our fence needs some work, too.
I planted snap peas, beans, yellow beans, cucumbers, winter squash and zucchini. In the pots are green peppers, two types of lettuce and herbs.

Once the plants come up, I'll have to figure out a way to keep the bunnies out!

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