Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Crawling, Headstands and Dancing

Elizabeth is finally crawling! Thank goodness, because she was so mad this past week when she saw her sisters moving and she could not! She is so cautious and slow, but getting so much stronger each day! Anna is doing a cute little dance now. She will crawl over to the refrigerator and play with the leap frog magnets, just like Jack did! Once the music comes on, she will sit back, and wave her arms back and forth with the biggest smile on her face. She is also doing a different crawl now, one knee and one foot. We have seen Kate do a headstand-type crawl from time to time. It is really funny. She will be on her tummy, then push up to all fours, then the next thing we know she is on her head with her buns in the air! Silly girl.

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