I can't believe next month the girls will turn one! It is crazy to think how fast this year has gone! Today, they are officially eleven months old. Here are a few pictures.
* Is crawling everywhere
* Pulls to a stand
* Points with pointer finger
*Sticks out her tongue every chance she gets
* Loves all baby food and cooked vegetables
* Eats Cheerios
* Waves, claps and dances
* Bangs on the piano
* Crawls up small steps
* Picks up everything on the floor and it goes right into her mouth (my floors have now need to be cleaned so much more!)
* Weighs around 13-13.5 lbs.
* Is about 25.5 inches long
* Has a 43.5 cm head
* Is crawling everywhere
* Pulls to a stand
* Starting to point
* Eats all baby food and cooked vegetables
* Eats Cheerios
* Waves, claps and dances
* Imitates "Mama" and spitting
*Bangs on the piano
* Has two lower bottom teeth
* Steals every toy from her sisters every chance she can get
* Weighs around 12-12.5 lbs.
* Is about 25.5 inches long
* Has a 43.5 cm head
* Army crawls everywhere
* Rolls everywhere
* Starting to crawl
* Does headstands and handstands
* Starting to pull to a stand
* Is the most calm and loves to snuggle
* Bangs on piano
* Loves to dance
* Waves and claps
* Eats all baby food and cooked vegetables
* Eats Cheerios
* Starting to point
* Weighs around 12.5 lbs.
* Is about 25.5 inches long
* Has a 43 cm head
All three show some stranger anxiety, squeal with delight when I walk in the room, stand with support, feed themselves, play with each other, adore their big brother and are constantly smiling and laughing! Boy are we loving life at the Scudder house!
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