Saturday, July 24, 2010

Kevin's Party; Anna's Tooth

A quick trip to Indiana for the weekend. It seems like we have been on the go all summer. It is making the summer fly by! Today we went to our nephew's third birthday party. It was such a HOT day, but a good time was had by all. I only got a few pictures and some of them are blurry. I only had my point-and-shoot camera and the quality isn't that great.

Anna and Elizabeth pull to a stand now. I like this picture because this is classic Elizabeth moving a sister out of her way, like she is saying, "No Kate, my hand is going there."
Kate's smile
Elizabeth was so happy!

Oh, and Anna sprouted a little tooth. Her right lower central incisor can now be felt, but not really seen yet. My mom found it today! So, that leaves only the baby of the family--my Kate--toothless.

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