Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thompson Family Reunion

We have the best family! Today was the Thompson family reunion. We have this reunion every five years. What is so neat is the amount of people that have come from one married couple. So, if I get  this straight, it would be my grandmother's grandmother and grandfather, so, my great-great-grandparents (I am the 5th generation and my children are the 6th generation). I always find family histories so interesting. While I was talking with my grandmother today (which, her family line was wearing blue--the largest amount of people there because she had nine brothers and sisters), I realized how lucky I am am to have such a great family--no seriously. We are a one-of-a-kind-family. My grandparents have been married for 63  years, raised 12 children, have 62 grandchildren and 51 great grandchildren with 7 more great grandchildren to be born this year! Can you imagine? Really amazing in my mind! I love any excuse to get our huge family together since so many of my little cousins are getting married and moving around the country, I don't see them, or all their new babies much at all, other than Christmas.

It was a beautiful day. Jack was playing with some of his cousins and second cousins. Notice all the blue?

Second cousins, James and Richie and first cousins, Braden, Abby and Jack
These two crack me up. Abby is exactly a year older than Jack, but you wouldn't know it by looking at them!
My brother Neil and his two mini-me boys, Thomas and birthday boy Kevin.
My mom holding Elizabeth
My niece Ambria holding Kate is getting in some good practice for her new sister or brother due to be born around Christmas. My mom and I hold Anna and Elizabeth.
We always take a group picture. I only got the section where we were sitting. You can see Jack to the far left of the picture and the girls sitting next to him. My grandparents are standing on the far right of the picture. I wish I would of stepped back, but I had to hurry. The lady who took the picture was standing on top of the playground about thirty yards away.

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