Monday, July 5, 2010

The Fourth Of July Parade


Today we went to the parade to celebrate the fourth! It was slightly hot, but Jack enjoyed it, especially the candy. This was the first parade the girls were awake for. The loud horns and sirens from the firetrucks scared Kate and Anna (Elizabeth slept though this part of the parade) at first, but they got used to the noise. Jack was nervous about the noise a little too, but I think it was because we told him the firetrucks were coming and he thought there was going to be fireworks. He was slightly nervous at the fireworks last night that John and Granddad took him to see.

Before the parade--the Scudder kids with cousin Marie

The four girls--Anna, Kate, Elizabeth and Marie
The best picture I got of them
Jack was attempting to make Anna stop crying--she is becoming such a mama's girl these days!
The four girls lined up to watch the parade
Sarah and Marie (and Granddad)
The crew (minus my mom)
Elizabeth slept through the twenty or so firetrucks and their noise in the stroller
Erin and Jack

Grandmom and Granddad holding Anna and Elizabeth
The girls were famished after the long, hot parade!

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