Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy Friday!

Anna was so brave today getting her stitches out! No tears. She sat on her own chair like a big girl and the same doctor took them out. I guess she must have read my last post about how bad I felt for her on Monday! The laceration looks good and I think it will heal up without much of a scar, if any. Now, when the black eye goes away she will be in great shape!

The kindergartners sang and read at the mass today. Jack was one of the readers. He read a petition. The teacher sent home his petition to memorize/practice two weeks ago and when I took it out the first day, I read it and told Jack to repeat after me. Well, he asked me to see the paper and he took the petition. OK, I thought, I guess we don't have anything to memorize. I keep forgetting that he reads, and fairly well, too. Today, the whole mass was very well done and he was so proud, and so was I.

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