Monday, April 2, 2012

Mickey's House: Monday, April 2, part 4

After the parade, we took Jack on Space Mountain. He had a blast, but I was not a fan. That could be my last roller coaster. I am not cut out for those anymore. After Space Mountain, Uncle Tim and John took the girls (minus Elizabeth--who finally fell asleep!) on the Magic Carpet Ride with Jack, Claire and Amy. Jack got Jasmine autograph afterwards.We had dinner and went through the Haunted Mansion. Jack was able to pick out a few pirate items with his money--more on that later. Then we watched part of the Electric parade and walked in front of the Castle to get ready for the fireworks!

Elizabeth finally gave in and 6:15 at night. I thought she might be down for the night, but she got up for the fireworks at 9:15 PM and stayed awake the entire ride home until 11:30 PM. Elizabeth miss the Magic Carpet Ride. Kate napped earlier in the day for about an hour and Anna never napped!! She finally fell asleep around 8:15 PM! These girls were very tired the next day!

Kate is next to Tim on the Magic Carpet Ride

Watching the Electric parade

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