Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mickey's House: Wednesday, April 4. Sea World

Sea World. It was hot. The kids were tired. But we still had fun. We watched the killer whale show with Shamu and the other whales. This was the highlight of the trip for me. It was very good. Jack sat near the front of the stadium with Aunt Cindy, the Frazier girls and Jake and got wet! They loved it. He also was able to pet and feed the dolphins. There were a few roller coasters they went on and Jack and Amy went up the Needle with Uncle Tim. It was a fun day, but we were all tired!

Getting ready for Shamu

Jack loved these machine that made flat pennies. He had three different made in different places.

Anna wanted to help push the empty stroller
Looking at the sting rays



Jake and Elizabeth

Amy and Jack

End of the day. Kate and Elizabeth made a new friend from Indiana

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