Wednesday, April 25, 2012


The kids are learning by the day! Kate and Elizabeth both can ride a scooter and tricycle (downhill, not uphill because they are still just not quite tall enough to reach the pedals) and Anna is close on riding the tricycle and she pushed off her foot on the scooter today. All three girls can take off shirts, pants, socks, etc. and any other clothes they are wearing, and they can dress themselves very well, except for their shirts. Elizabeth was the first to be able to put a shirt on today. I don't remember Jack being able to dress himself at their ages, but maybe he could. All three sing their ABCs and count to ten. Elizabeth knows the Angelof God prayer. Jack is no longer wearing a pull-up and Anna was dry last night (realize this could be just a one night thing, but Jack was NEVER dry until about a month ago). I'm down to three bedtime diapers a day!

The girls are getting better at going to bed in their toddler beds. They are no longer napping. They are doing very well on their potty and will go without reminders (inadvertently, they are reminding each other because when one goes, the other two do as well). They love to go on the "big" potty. We have switched from jelly beans and fruit snacks to stickers they pick out and put in their potty book. This has helped with the frequency, but the girls still go a lot! They still have accidents, not every day, but mostly they happen when we are playing outside and they don't want to stop playing to go to the bathroom (I bring a potty seat in the garage).

Anna's stitches. After this picture was taken, she fell again outside and has a scraped up nose and also has two scratches from the rosebush on her cheek, plus she has a little black eye that developed from her original fall on looks like she has had a few rough days!

Typical Kate. A climber! Kate also had a rough day outside yesterday. Jack was holding Carter on his leash and walked by Kate and the leash scraped her she woke up with a swollen eyelid and her eye was only half open, plus the scrape looked so much worse! I swear the girls need to be wrapped in bubble wrap!

Grandmom and Granddad fixed the handles on this toy for the girls

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