Yesterday, Jack has his first T-ball practice. He is part of the Oakland As. John helped coach the team and the girls wanted to watch Jack, so we did...for about 15 minutes. Then we walked over to the park. After the practice, John and Jack joined us for a little while. Then we grabbed lunch and came home.
After church, we had a cook-out with our two neighbors. It was such a nice evening and it really cooled off, so it was perfect to sit outside and visit/play. The girls made it to 9:30 before going to bed and Jack was a trooper and made it until we cleaned everything up around 11 PM. No one was up today until after 8! What a treat for us to sleep in! John left early this morning (no sleeping-in for him) for New York. The count down starts...until June 8th when he comes home.
Had to add these because of Elizabeth. She pulls up her shorts so high! I guess she is small enough that the shorts are always falling down. I kept telling her that these shorts won't fall down because it was attached to the top, but I don't think she understood.
My favoite boy (before he got his uniform, I dressed him in Red Sox gear!)
Kate finds the fence to climb
John helped coach. He is throwing grounders to Jack
Anna loves the slide at this park!