Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Big Kiddos

I checked on my kids last night and Jack was asleep with his two bellas in his hand, Jake, Pirate Mickey and his sword. All in his arms. I seriously hope he doesn't grow up.

In just a few weeks he will be finished with kindergarten. We have decided to do what we told ourselves we would do at the beginning of the year and send him to kindergarten again. He did fine this year and tested for first grade. He likes school and has learned a ton. He reads fairly well. However, he is young. I'd like to say it won't ever matter that he is so much younger than his classmates, but I can't look into the future and see if it ever will. Jack is a smart kid. Everyone has told us this for a while. As his mother, I know it is acceptable to say your child is smart, but it really didn't hit me how smart he is until I have watched my girls grow and develop. Jack is really a smart kid. He doesn't care about repeating kindergarten and will have the other teacher, new group of kids, and hopefully we can find some ways to stimulate him with enrichment opportunities next year.

The girls, last night, were all on the floor. They like to sleep with their heads at the wrong end of the bed (no side rail) so they will often fall out of bed. As I picked them up and put them back in bed, then took their blanket to cover them up I thought to myself, how did they get so tall? They are so long and their toddler-shaped bodies are going away. They all the sudden looked so long to me!

I have been thinking a lot about Jack being their exact age when I brought them home from the hospital.

Jack was their age now. Still a toddler, almost a preschooler.

And now he is SO big. And I still think of them as babies. But they are not. If time could freeze...

So, what have the girls been enjoying? Playing outside, taking "showers" in my bathroom which includes stripping down and standing in our bathroom and pumping the shampoo and putting it all over their arms, legos, dolls, princess dress up clothes and shoes, The Letter Factory, strollers, putting anything in bags, climbing up the outside of the stairs (or climbing anything for that matter), magnetic dolls, trains, cars, filling up sippie cups with ice and water and making "rack-a-roni" with bowls and spoons. They are getting much better with the potty training and I have been not using pull-ups when we go out anymore (except for long trips to Indiana). We have been to a Twin's club playgroup at a playground, the library and Target in the last week and there as been NO accidents. We will still have the occasional accident at home, and most of these occur when we are outside and they are too busy to stop, but they are doing great! Bedtime is getting better too. We had a babysitter on Monday night and she got all four kids in bed and sleeping by 7:15. They have always be better with John than I for bedtime, but tonight, I put them in bed, covered them up, said their prayers turned on their music and walked silence. They were asleep before 7PM. Maybe, just maybe, this part of the day is getting better.

On Monday, I went to the end of the year Twins' Club meeting and won the drawing for the hydrangea. When I brought it home, I told John my club voted me Mother of the Year, obviously joking. He believed me. Funny stuff. The hydrangea is beautiful, but I did tell him I just won the drawing and wasn't voted Mother of the Year.

I weighed and measured the girls today. Part of me was curious and part of me wanted to know if I could turn their carseat around (have to be 35 inches). Anna was 26.5# (5th-10th percentile), 19 inch head (25th-50th percentile) and 34 inches long (less than the 5th percentile). Elizabeth was 23.4# (less than 3rd percentile), 33.75 inches tall (less than 5th percentile) and 19 inch head (25-50th percentile). Kate as 24.5# (5th percentile), 34 inches long (less than 5th percentile) and 18.75 inch head (10-25th percentile).

Here are a few pictures of my growing girls:

Twins' Club playgroup

On a serious note.
We have had some family who need some extra prayers. My brother-in-law's sister, at age 28, had a stroke and severe hemorrhage in her brain a few weeks ago and the doctors gave her a 20% survival rate. Allie is a fighter and she has fought her way back and is recovering at a rehab hospital in Houston. I know she and her family would appreciate all the support they can get.

PeePaw, John's father, had quadruple bypass surgery today. He is recovering the ICU and Susie, Cindy and John are all with him and of course, Carol. The surgery went well, but he has a lot of healing to do.

Finally, my brother-in-law's mother (Tim) is in the hospital now after they discovered a brain tumor Monday night.

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