Saturday, May 19, 2012

Race Time!

Jack had his first race today. It was a kid's race in conjunction with the Cleveland half and full marathon. He ran 100 yards and had a blast. He wore his medal all day (we made him take it off for church, but he had it back on in the car!). He was so proud. I tried to take pictures, but I was at the other end of the football stadium (Brown's stadium) and I couldn't see him. I think I was looking too far to the right! All the sudden he was standing next to me!

Yesterday, the girls and I wen to pick up Jack's packet and number and mine at the expo center.

The girls fell asleep on the way downtown

Excited to run

Watching the three and under children race--if you call it that!


The event was associated with Barnum and Bailey's Circus

Walking to the start line

Ready to start

John is standing up on the balcony with the girls video taping Jack

The four to six year-olds ready to start

End of the race!

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