Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Today, we had a nice family day. After breakfast, I panted some more of my flowers outside and got in a quick run. We went to mass and then to lunch--at BW3s. We realize it is an odd place for a mother's day lunch, but we wanted something loud, quick without too many costumers. Jack got a much needed hair cut (the little curls are gone again from the back of his head--again). Ice cream cones at DQ and playing outside rounded out our day. Our neighbors two doors down from us stopped by for a quick visit and although I have met them once, John has never been home so it was nice to do all the introductions. Both lawyers, they have two girls--age 2.5 years and 15 months and one one the way! Betsy said she will be busy with three kids under the age of three! It is so nice to have all the little kids around us! We are hoping to get the little girls together for a play date soon. Jack and I did another run tonight--same distance as yesterday 0.65 miles at about a 12:30 minute per mile pace (8:08). I might have him hooked on this running thing!

Well, these are my kids on Mother's Day 2012. I put two up, take your pick as to the best one.

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