Saturday, August 11, 2012

Anna's, Elizabeth's and Kate's Third Birthday Party

When I asked what they wanted for their birthday, Kate told me, "cake." Boy is she my child! After cake, they wanted barbies, so that is what they got, along with a lot of other girly things: nail polish, dress up princess clothes, high heels, Minnie Mouse under-bunders, sippie cups, warm jammies, few outfits for preschool, rain boots, umbrellas and raincoats. They loved every minute of the party: pizza, opening gifts (they tried on every outfit they opened) and cake. We sang to each one separately and the smile on their faces when we were singing to them was priceless. They knew this year what a party was and it was special when we were singing to each on separately. It was also so fun to hear them sing to each other! It was such a fun day! These little girls are loved by so many special people. Here are pictures from the party!

Love this photo!

Ready to open gifts...and try on everything!

Lytle's dress up clothes

Aunt Mary and Uncle John's umbrellas and rain coats

Grandmom's barbie house

Kate loved this "I love preschool" outfit from Mimi

Ready to sing!

Eating cake

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