Saturday, August 4, 2012

Twins Days

Today we went to Twinsburg, Ohio for their annual Twins Day festival. The girls and I walked in the Double Take Parade this morning. I have to admit, seeing teenagers and adults dressed alike threw me for a loop! It was an odd picture. We saw two other sets of triplet girls (ages, 4 and 5) and 5 year old GGGG quads! Plus a TON of twins. They usually have around 2,000 twins that attend and it is the largest gathering of multiples in the world! It was hot, but fun. It was fun. I wasn't sure what to expect and didn't know if we would do it again, but I think we might. Maybe next year we can stay for the weekend.

John and Jack watched the parade, I am pulling the girls in the parade. Many people took pictures of the girls--I guess because there are not too many triplets and quads that attend--only six sets last year, not sure how many were there this year.
Anna was a natural--waving like she was Miss America. Maybe she will be Miss America like her daddy thinks is possible.

Near the entrance of the festival

This set of twins wanted their picture taken with the girls

More twins that wanted their picture with the girls

Nine year-old triplets with the girls

People taking their photo--everyone thought Anna and Kate were identical--I guess because of the their hair color?

Here are some other sets of twins--the theme this year was super heroes and quite a few people dressed up! They have prizes for the best family, best costumes, most look-a-like, etc.

The oldest set of twins there--97 years old!!

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