Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cousins Playing

It was a nice time at my parents before and after the party. All the cousins got in some good playing time. Granddad was busy pushing kiddos on the swings ("fings" per Anna). The older kids played soccer games a few times. They took some walks, played hide-and-go-seek, chalk, cozy coups, and went on "roller coaster" wagon rides. I can't believe that they are getting so fast.

The kids always want the best......Grandad to push them!


This was a big soccer game in which I think just about every player got hurt at some point....even the big boys.....namely Uncle Jeremy!

Another day Aunt Ryann and I took the kids outside and set up stations for the kids. This was the sidewalk chalk station.
Car riding station
Maria is at the ice station in the back on the ground!  (A very popular station)
waiting for the next group of kids
Ryann was at the roller coaster a.k.a wagon station

Alexa, Elizabeth and Elizabeth

Abby and Jack--they just have so much fun together!


 Ambria and Braden joined the walk

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