Today the girls got up and were excited it was their birthday. I am not sure they knew exactly what it meant, but they knew there would be cake at some point. Well, we started off the day with ice cream sandwiches! They loved it! Then, we picked up Ms. Meaghan and went to the zoo to meet up with some friends. Although it looked like it was going to rain, it didn't. The girls love to see the twins, Aliyah and Autumn. Since we had Ms. Meaghan with us, the girls were FREE to walk! When I don't have help, they never are allowed out of their strollers because I can't control them by myself at the zoo. They saw a lot of animals today. Elephants, meerkats, flamingos, reindeer and giraffes. We ate lunch and then saw the seals and monkeys. The girls mostly walked the whole time. They seemed to get tired near the end and rode in the wagon to the car. They had a great time. In the afternoon, Helen played with the girls outside and gave them some crayons, coloring notebooks and a doll. They sat outside and colored with Helen. John came home early and we took everyone to Chick-fil-A. Tuesdays is family nights at our Chick-fil-A, so there was a balloon guy that made everyone balloon animals and then sang to the girls. Once we got home, there was time for cake and ice cream and then baths and bed. The girls were exhausted, but I think they loved every minute of their birthday!

Breakfast of ice cream!
Looking at flamingos
Looking at meerkats
Looking at the elephants
Meeting up with friends--Aliyah and Autumn
I believe this is Aliyah. She loves to hold hands with everyone.
The girls ran ahead of us and then started dancing here because there was music playing. It was so cute!
Looking at the giraffes
The reindeer were down here
Time to ride back to the car!
Dinner at Chick-fil-A. Jack asked the balloon guy for a sword!
The girls got dogs. They picked out their colors.
Singing Happy Birthday and blowing out candles!
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