Saturday, September 15, 2012

Big Trucks!

Avon Lake put on Big Trucks! today. I wish I got a picture of all the trucks at our Safety Station, but I guess I didn't. They had fire trucks, ambulances, tow trucks, garbage trucks, police cars, motorcycles, horses, recycling trucks, a bus, coast guard boat, diggers, bomb squad, army tank, and many more. They also had the jail open to walk through, face painting, a clown and free food for everyone. Since John was working and it was a beautiful day, I decided to take the kids. After all, it is a free event so, I thought if we make it there and have to leave in 30 minutes, well, so be it. I talked to the kids before we went telling them they had to listen to me or we would go home. Honestly, I am not going to give myself all the credit to their behaviors, but still, the girls and Jack were very good the entire THREE hours we were there. The girls actually sat in their wagon except once to get on a bus. Jack was also very good trying to contain his excitement. It was a great event! There were so many people there and so many things for the kids, free prizes, balloons, the energizer bunny, etc. I think the girls sat still because of all the people around and all the big machines to look at. At any rate, the day was a success.

After we had been there about 45 minutes, we heard that there were two helicopters  that were going to land. We happened to be right in the landing area and we saw the first one coming. We were in the front row and probably 25 yards from it. It was pretty cool to see. Jack loved it. After they stopped the motor, they also let the kids all get in the helicopter and Jack got to touch one of the blades! We talked to the pilot. The first helicopter belonged to the Cleveland Clinic. The second one came about an hour later from Metro. Jack told us this was his favorite "truck" of the day.

The girls ask almost every day to ride Jack's bus to school. They love watching for the bus and get excited to see it coming every day. I decided to let them out of the wagon to get on the bus after I told them they would have to get back in it after. They are old enough to walk there, but without a second hand to gather them up--like John being there--I had to keep them contained for safety purposes. Too many people around. I think this was the best part of their day. They told everyone they got to see "big trucks" and "get on Jack's bus."

Jack's favorite souvenir was a bike lock given to him by the AL Police Station. I think it is for fire arms, but the police officer told us they could be for bikes too. It came with a set of keys for the lock. If you know Jack, you know that he is in love with locks, keys, etc. He told me he wanted to write the Police station a thank-you note for the lock, which I think I will let him do. He played with it all day---locking up cabinets, the outside refrigerator door handles, the swings to the swing set pole, two of our outside chairs together and he tried to lock up his bike, but it wouldn't fit around our basketball hoop pole. Then, he asked me if he could use the bike lock when he was in 9th grade to ride his bike to school and hold the key in his pocket all day. I told him I thought that would be fine. Later, he asked if he could be in 6th or 7th grade. I guess he thought being in 9th grade was too long of a wait! When John came home that evening, the first thing he pulled out to talk about was the lock. Oh the things that amuse that kid!

Sean and his dad met up with us there and Jack was excited to share this experience with his friend. Pat (Sean's dad) also helped gather food for us when it was time for lunch among helping watch the boys running from one truck to the next.
The police officer helping Jack on the motorcycle

Very good sitting and watching all the people and activity

Getting in one of the fire trucks

Coast guard boat

The Cleveland Clinic helicopter

In front of the helicopter

Jack in helicopter

Jack in the tow truck. Picture horns honking though out the afternoon. Jack added to the noise, too.

Sean and Jack looking at the bomb squad robot.

Sean is in Jack's class

We were farther away when the second helicopter landed

On the bus. Kate was jumping from seat to seat, oh my!

Kate and Elizabeth

All smiles from Anna!

Balloon butterflies from the clown

Before we left, Jack, Sean and Pat went to see the Metro helicopter

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