Monday, September 3, 2012

Get 'Em Hooked Early!

Today we spent the (hot) morning walking a 5K (John pushed the girls in the stroller) at a local in town race. I don't think there were more than 150 people there and it was a nice walk through Avon Lake. Jack walked the total three miles with some encouragement. He got tired! At the end of the race, we walked by the cookie/water/fruit table and Mimi and Jack thought the race was done even though we finished on the track about 100 yards away to an actual finish line. We waited for them and finished the race around 51 minutes. After the race, the announced the top three winners in each age group. Well, Mary was third in her age group! She got a mug! The big joke was that had Vicki not stopped for cookies (although she tells us she only got a banana and water) then she could have elbowed Mary at the finish to win a mug! It was pretty funny the way the story turned out. Then there was talk about Mary being "flashy" and "showing off her mug" and "well, if you hadn't needed those cookies..."

After the 5K, the kids had a fun run. The first run was across the football field. The girls, especially were so excited! I was standing in front of them and about ten yards in, Anna lost her shoe and had to stop. Kate and Elizabeth went on without us and Anna held my hand for part of the run, then took off once she saw Mimi and Aunt Mary. Kate and Elizabeth came back to meet her, it was so sweet. Mimi and Aunt Mary said they had the biggest smiles on their faces when they finished and got their medals (I was behind them). They told everyone today that "I ran a race!" and "do it again tomorrow!"

The second kids run run was two laps around the track. Jack was pretty tired, but wanted to do it (and get another medal). He ran the first lap (I think he walked a little) and during the second, the girls and I ran with him. Anna ran the entire lap without stopping! Honestly, that really surprised me because I don't think of her as our athlete. After the first lap, they wanted to go again, so they did. This time Anna walked some, but Kate was the clear winner! They had a such a good time. After lunch and a trip to get ice cream, Mimi and Aunt Mary left for home. It was a good two days!

Aunt Mary was third in her age group!

Before the fun run


On your mark, get set, go!

Anna, Kate and Jack are near the finish line here. I was with Anna and I turned around to get a picture of the other three but you can't really see them. This is the only picture of the race I have. John has it on video.

Anna is running now that her shoe is on. That is John to the left with the camera.

Jack, Kate and Elizabeth all come to meet Anna and run to the finish with her.

Anna getting her medal

Kate getting her medal

Elizabeth getting her medal

They were so proud!

I'm pretty sure the newspaper took this picture of the kids

The second fun run. Lined up, ready! Go Jack!

Girls running their second lap with John after the real race was over.

Kate, Elizabeth and Anna (John)

She is quick, that Kate is!

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