Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dance Class!

Today was the start of dance for the girls. They will go every Tuesday for 45 minutes through December and if they like it, they can do the second semester through May ending with a recital.  They LOVED it! I heard Elizabeth tell Kate this afternoon that she couldn't go to dance class [because she was mad at her]. I loved that I had the opportunity to watch them. It is fun to watch their different personalities. Elizabeth is a rule-follower. She was very observant and was able to follow all directions. Anna was so excited to participate that she had a hard time sitting long enough to listen to all the directions. Kate was somewhere in the middle. She tried very hard to everything she was supposed to.

The class was for three year-olds. My girls did very well and their teacher, Miss Jacqui, told me they did extremely well listening and participating. They did stretches, used wands, pretended to be flowers, did a little obstacle course with a balance beam, learned to curtsy, dressed up like princesses, got a drink and let the princess bear give them directions.

At one point their teacher was asking the girls in the class about a picture of a castle, "Who lives here?" She was hoping for the answer of princess. Well, not one of the girls answered and after she asked again, I heard Elizabeth say "Avon Lake." She was telling us where she lived! Recently, the girls have learned to tell us that they live in Avon Lake. Sometimes Kate will say "Ohio" as well and Elizabeth will say "Parkside and Drive" most of the time.

Walking to the dance studio

Shoes on and ready to start!


I think we need to work on those toes and knees!

Flying like a princesses

Obstacle course:  beam walking

galloping around the "garden"


Elizabeth's turn

Riding the horses

Dressed up

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