Monday, October 22, 2012

Conferences and Tooth

I just got home from conferences for the girls. Can they really be old enough for these? As odd as it sounds, I actually like that this preschool does these. I got to sit and talk with their teacher about each one of them. They are all doing very well and adjusting to school very well. They let out little whoops and screams when we pull in the parking lot. They are so excited! Their teacher sees them playing with each other the most and thinks as the year goes on they will begin to branch out and play with others in the class. We plan to get their speech evaluated--only because it is sometimes hard to understand them.

In other news, and this I am not quite ready for, Jack has his first loose tooth! He bit down hard on a bottle top yesterday and his bottom right tooth is loose. He was playing with it the whole way home. I suppose they have to get lose and come out at some point, but I don't want him to grow up any faster! We will see how long the tooth wiggles before it comes out.

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