Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Just the Last Few Days

Taking advantage of the last few days of beautiful weather.

Crazy that last Christmas when Santa brought these for the girls they were too small to pedal, and even early this spring they were still too short. Now they pedal and go everywhere!

Purses are all ready on the backs of their bikes.

My girls are not always advanced on their development, but I will say that they can sure pump on the swings and get going very high!

Typical travel attire for the girls. Doll babies and purses go everywhere with us.

Group hug...

most of the time ends up like this!

The girls are doing great in their dance class. They listen and pay attention and are learning basic ballet positions, jumps and balances.

See Elizabeth's bald spot on the side of her head? Not sure what to do about her hair twisting...

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