Saturday, October 13, 2012

Pumpkin Farm

We took the kids to the pumpkin farm today. We had to find a new one since we keep moving! This farm was very nice. I think we will go back next year. The popcorn and hayride were highlights for the kids, but they also enjoyed picking out the pumpkins and the candy.

Our kids love popcorn!

First hayride for the girls

Love this picture

Picking out their little pumpkins

After we left the pumpkin farm--with one large pumpkin and four small ones, a pumpkin roll, bag of licorice and candy cane sticks for the four kids--we stopped by the grocery store. When we pulled up to the parking lot, Elizabeth saw the pumpkins outside and said, "Pumpkin farm!" Well, we told her it was just the grocery and, no we didn't go to a second pumpkin farm. Jack asked us why they sold pumpkins there and why we didn't get ours from Giant Eagle. We told him that is is much more fun to pick them off the vine ourselves and ride on a hayride to the patch. Right? He agreed 100% We have taken the kids every year to get pumpkins (aside from the first year the girls were born and they were just home from the NICU--John took Jack that year).

Our grocery store has a Child Watch area that you can check your kids into while you shop. They have to be three years old, so we have not ever tried it until recently. The area is packed with crafts, toys, TVs, video games, computers, books, dolls, etc. One weekday I tried it with the girls who loved it! Today, we sent the kids there while John and I bought groceries. I have to say, I can't remember the last time John and I both went to the grocery store and bought our food together.! It must have been the the first year we were married after church on Sunday!

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