Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Race!

I was lucky enough to run a marathon with my sister-in-law today. After training all summer, it was a relief to finish today. So many miles we both put in training this summer and we pushed each other to the end. The setting was Cuyahoga Valley National Park and despite what the name implies, it was not hilly at all. About 95% of the course was on a trail path next to the Cuyhoga river and scenic railroad. With the leaves changing, it was nothing short of beautiful--and so was the finish line!

The weather was a brisk 42-48* but perfect for running. The sprinkles held off until the last few miles of the race, too. Sarah and I finished at 4 hours, 22 minutes and 45 seconds. I finished 15th in my age group (there were only about 30). John and the kids made the trip and it was nice to see them at miles 6, 11 and 18. It adds a spring to my step whenever I see them.

The trail was beautiful

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