Both seasons are winding down. Jack played his last game with the Upward league today. He was placed in with the "better" boys this game (second graders) which was good for him as he had to fight to handle the ball. He scored 8 points. The Boys and Girls league started their play offs today and Jack's team was ranked somewhere between 2-4. They only had one loss the entire season to the number one team. Anyway, Jack has only scored a handful of times in these games, but today he did score. He was pretty far away from the basket (because when he dribbles, he tends to turn over the ball to these players). He went to shoot and the shot was blocked. Jack held on to the ball, gave the kids a dirty look (as if to say, darn it, I am going to at least attempt a basket in this game!) and shot the ball again and it went in. It was near the 3 point line, but not quite. I am sure it was quite a rush for him to score in this game, especially since team was pretty good. I admire his determination (and laugh at his dirty look). He is loving this sport right now and asking me if he can play basketball this summer, but I am not sure there are any leagues around here. I'll have to look around for something. Of course, when baseball starts next month, he'll forget how much he loved basketball and want to play baseball all the time!

He is number 5
Here is one of Jack's baskets. He likes to shoot from the right side (better at dribbling on the right) so he is at the opposite end of this pic (can't really see him).
Here is his shot (ball in air)
(ball going in basket)
This is what I call, "Keeping them busy." I have tried just about everything to keep them occupied at these games...barbies, books, coloring books, games, name it, we brought it. About two weeks ago, we brought these Magna-tiles. This has worked wonders! The girls will sit and play the entire game (we sit on the end of the bleachers so they can play on the floor). There are always other kids that join them (sometimes five or six!) and I have had two to three parents ask me each time we bring them, what they are and where we bought them. I could be an official spokesperson for the company! They make houses for their barbies, tall castles, long castles, roads, pizzas, boxes, boxes for cars, balls, etc. I can't believe how creative they get. They are great toys and I am so glad these keep them busy so I can watch Jack!
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