Thursday, March 27, 2014

Crazy Kids

They kept begging to swim. We kept telling them the water was really cold. We let them dip their feet in thinking it would be enough to realize how cold the water was. They still wanted to go in. It was only about 70 degrees outside and windy. The water had to be 40/50 degrees.

 Kate and Elizabeth went down the slide. Anna went off the diving board. I have these on video. Anna was almost crying when she hit the water. However, Anna got out and decided to go down the slide? She did cry the second time it was so cold!
 Kate was going to jump in off the diving board, but decided to go off the side of the pool instead. This was after she went down the slide once.

 Jack chickened out (smart boy). He was supposed to go in if Erin went in.
Erin got in, too. She said when she hit the water it was so cold she almost forgot where she was!

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