Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Rogers Library

The pre-k does a few field trips to the Rogers library for story time this month. I offered to go with them since them walk there (only a few blocks away) so there is an extra person to help the teacher. It is a nice walk and "break" for the kids from the usual day.

They decorated birthday hats

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Kate's Penny

We got lunch after Jack's baseball game and Kate found a penny on the floor...and put it in her mouth...and swallowed it. She was a little freaked out after she swallowed it. I think she was just worried if it would make her sick. Well, after lunch, I needed to get to the grocery store, so I took her with me since she was still worried. It is so much fun to take one child out. I love holding their hands. She was so talkative! I think the girls are always talking to each other, I never noticed until the other two are not there. She loved going to the store and helped me pick out all the food we needed.

Now, the only thing left is to keep searching, waiting for that penny to pass!
Update: Penny came out Monday afternoon!

Mets Baseball

Jack's first game. He was first at bat and went two for two. He played pitcher (it is machine pitch, so he wasn't actually pitching and third base). The Mets won. It was a great start to the season.
He is number 7

Friday, April 25, 2014

World Experience Day

Every year the school puts on a World Experience Day. The school picks a country each year and transforms the gym into markets and cafes and then there is also many different stations in the parish center and throughout the school that the children rotate through during the entire day. This year, it was the Philippians and Vietnam. The day started with the flag ceremony with kids carrying in flags that represented their heritage. I volunteered to work the cafe, so I served Philippians foods. They had volunteers make all these foods! The spring rolls were amazing! They also had a station where the kids learned martial arts, watched two traditional plays put on by the 8th graders and the day ended with a fashion show depicting a typical Vietnamese wedding. It was very interesting. The kids loved it and learned a lot!

Flag ceremony

This was a traditional Philippians dance. These are the parents of a little girl in Jack's class (in the red skirts behind them).

Part of the Philippian market
Part of the Vietnamese market
Pre-K learning about the Philippian market

Trying the rice pudding
Here are some pictures from the website from the day

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Outside and Bedtime Dancing

 It was so nice today, we went to a park with friends and then played with Emmie all afternoon at home.

 This is my old dance recital costume. The girls fight over wearing it during the day and also at night. Tonight, it was Anna's turn. She took turns dancing with her sisters before bed.