Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Jack's 7 year Well Check

Because of all the moving, Jack's well checks have been shifted, so today he had a well check. This is the first time he has seen the pediatrician since moving here. I think he spent most of the exam laughing. He is one extremely ticklish boy!

 Jack is healthy! He is still in the 75th percentile for height (50 inches) and has grown 2.5 inches since last April. He is 54# (59th percentile) and gained 5.5# since last April. The doctor thinks he will be 6'1" and asked if he liked sports due to his lower resting heart rate. I guess he might be an athlete after all. I still will never forget the chubby little 3/4/5 year old that was NOT interested in any sport we put him in! He is certainly changed from the days of staring at the numbers on the score board and raising his hand to volunteer to be taken out of the game (to watch the scoreboard, not the game)

After appointment, we enjoyed a nice lunch at Arby's and he got ice cream at McDonalds.

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