Saturday, April 19, 2014

Vanderbilt vs. University of Arkansas Baseball

We went down to Fayetteville to watch the Vanderbilt/Arkansas baseball game. I changed at the last minute to my Vanderbilt nursing shirt and I can probably say I was the only one at the game not dresses in red. One of the ticket admission guys asked me if I got my shirt there and it struck me a little odd...until I remembered I had on a Vandy shirt. While caring two cups of water for the kids, I tripped over a small crack in the cement while the people in the lawn chairs called out, "Nice balance." I did not fall, but the water spilled a bit. About 15 minutes later, I took the same path in front of the lawn people to take the girls to the bathroom. When they were done, Kate came running out of the bathroom and she hit the exact same crack and fell face first. I thought, well, she is just like me. I heard a "She might need a nurse" from the lawn people. 15 minutes later when the girls had to go again, I made John take them. One the way back, Anna hit the crack and went down...John came back laughing (I had told him the story) telling me the lawn people said, "She just fell in the exact same spot, twice!" No, that was her sister.

Luckily, the sun went down quickly after that, and I put on my sweatshirt.

Vanderbilt won the game. Jack was undecided on who he was rooting for.

 Calling the hogs

Just a little disappointed in Jack's attire. Haha! I need to get him a Vanderbilt shirt!

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