Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Girls are FIVE!!

The day started off early--like 5:45. The girls were up and wanting to open gifts, so we did! They tore through everything pretty quickly. They loved everything. They tried on their new Elsa pjs and Elsa dress and loved the jewely box from PeePaw and clothes from Grandmom and Granddad. The pjs from the Szczepanski's were a big hit too! We quickly got ready for school and went to pick up donuts for a class treat. We also got donuts for breakfast! The donuts came from some friends of ours that own a donut shop and when I went to pay, they were already taken care of. It was a very sweet gesture. I brought them happy meals from McDonalds for lunch at school (and Jack too, since he shares a lunch period with the girls). They were very excited for the barbies (and car) in the happy meal.

After school, John met us at Chuck E Cheese (their choice) and they had pizza, Frozen cupcakes and played a few games. Then they cashed in their tickets for some really big suckers! Then, we went home for a quick dip in the pool. They had a fabulous day, but were ready for bed!

Elizabeth was getting all the presents in piles the day before her birthday.

Meanwhile, Anna and Kate were swimming. She told Anna about the presents and Anna came in from the pool to take a look--in the middle of changing out of her wet swimsuit, I guess.
Bright and early opening up presents

New Elsa dresss

Before school

Aunt Ryann took these photos over the summer. They turned out so good!
Frozen cupcakes

Following Chuck E Cheese to dance

This machine would take their picture and then create a card for them. All the kids loved this. I think they each got three or four cards each.
Kate and Jack worked on turning in the tickets
John likes this place as much as the kids!
Kate is getting a card made
dancing with Chuck E again

They all wanted the big suckers
Happy girls

saying good-bye to Chuck E

using their new Frozen towels

Pjs they picked for bed
Until the last minute and then Kate decided she wanted warm, comfy pjs, so she changed into these from the Szczepanskis
The girls told me they wanted me to draw a butterfly for their birthday, so I had to do this Tuesday afternoon so I wouldn't forget. They were very excited to open the envelope! Good thing they are easy to please, my art skills are not great!

On the way home from Chuck E Cheese, Anna, while eating her gigantic sucker (and after a donut from breakfast, one for a snack at school, and a cupcake--in addition to the sucker she was eating) asks me, "Mom, are we going to get ressert?" (She calls dessert, "ressert"). I had to laugh. Only Anna!

Elizabeth told me it was the best birthday ever when she was going to bed. It was very sweet. They all had fun.

Dear Girls
I can't believe you are FIVE! I am not sure where the time went, but I really wish it would slow down. You bring us great joy as we watch you grow up into little ladies.

Anna, you are the leader of the bunch. You like to get your way, and are constantly leading your sisters. You love to ride your bike and play in the pool. You ride very easily and your swimming has come a long way. You learned to dive off the diving board this summer and swim without a life jacket in the pool. You have really grown this past year and are tall. You also love to color, write and draw.Anna, you love to sing and dance. I frequently find you walking and spinning on your tip toes. You are excited to take gymnastics this fall and will also continue with ballet and swim lessons. You love animals. Especially Carter. I find you giving him food off your plate all the time. And sitting down to pet and kiss him. You are my best eater. You pretty much eat everything I give you and clean your plate, except you are not a big breakfast eater. I am so proud of you, Anna and love you very much.

Elizabeth, you are the quiet, but mighty one. You like to play with barbies, dolls and small figures. I find you putting together little rooms for your barbies. You also really love to color. You will color everyday. You are very good at coloring and drawing. You like to write and print letters and are constantly making art creations for "mom's birthday" and everyone else. You also have become a great little swimmer. You can swim freestyle very well and are very excited to join the swim team next summer. You were bummed not to swim this past summer, but you had to be 5 years old. You are doing excellent in school and pick up on things very easily. You remind me of your big brother, Jack who can remember anything. You are also excited for gymnastics this fall. I find you flipping on the couches everyday. You are my smallest eater. You are picky in what you like and don't like to eat things you don't like. Your favorite food right now is corn pop cereal. I think you would eat that for breakfast, lunch and dinner if I let you. That, or macaroni and cheese. You are the smallest of the three still. I am so proud of you Elizabeth and I love your very much.

Kate you are my character. You like to make sure I am on my toes. You are full of energy. You love to ride your bike and swim. You learned how to dive and flip off the diving board this summer. You are also very excited for gymnastics this fall. You have no fear and I think you will do well in the gym. You like to play with Jack (AKA he tells you what to do). You are doing very well in school, and trying hard to listen and pay attention. You love to sleep. This past summer you would sleep the longest--sometimes past 8:30 which is very late. You do not like to color and draw like your sisters and printing letters is not your favorite. You would rather be running around outside with Jack. I love the way you keep track of all your special belongings (bouncy ball, puzzle pieces, coins, etc) but putting them in ziplock bags and placing under your pillow or under your bed. Your smile is contagious. I am so proud of you Kate and love you very much.

You all started kindergarten a few weeks ago and you really love it. I am amazed at how much you have grown up in the last few months. I had a teacher compliment me on you girls in school, today. She told me that she can tell you are all mature and ready for school by your actions. These last five years have gone by so fast. It is amazing to see you grow up together as best friends and sisters. I am thankful for being able to spend all the time I got to with you. It seemed like there were some long days, but the years were short. I am looking forward to seeing you all succeed as you continue in this journey of life.

Happy 5th birthday Anna
Happy 5th birthday Elizabeth
Happy 5th birthday Kate

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