Friday, August 14, 2015

Birthday Party

The girls had their birthday party tonight. We wanted to celebrate before school started so each one picked a few friends to come over to swim. We ended up with about 13 kids (including ours) and some siblings. All of the mom's stayed too, so it was very nice to visit with everyone before school starts again. We had pizza and cake and ice cream. Jack invited his friend Tyler of his to come play too. Since Elizabeth couldn't swim with her staples, she had a few friends at different points during the party stay out with her. We also had water balloons for the kids (although they didn't last long). It was a fun evening!

 A little nap in the afternoon before all the commotion started

Wild funny faces

 Emma didn't swim and played with Elizabeth which was nice!

 Anna's cake
 Elizabeth's cake

 Singing to Anna

 Singing to Elizabeth

 Singing to Kate

 We also sand to our friend Glyn since it was his real birthday!

 Kate cutting the cake

 Elizabeth cutting the cake

Anna cutting the cake

Second round of swimming

 And a baseball game

 Kate and Emma

 Fairy wings for party favors

 Silly girls

 Kate and Amy

 Playing with some of their gifts. I think they were having a tea party in the dark with flashlights

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