Friday, August 21, 2015

Three Girls Turn Six!

I can't believe this day came so fast...again! These girls had a great birthday. The day started with presents being open bright and early--before school! They loved the bars and beam set for their American girls dolls, the crutches in their get well kits and the wheel chair. They also opened some new pjs from the Szczepanskis and quite a few build-a-bear outfits from us. They were all fired up with all these new toys!

We left early and stopped by the donut shop for breakfast and also to pick up donuts for their class treat. Once we got to school, they each got to pick out a birthday shirt to wear all day. I met them at church and sat with them and they had huge smiles on their faces. After school, they had some time to play with their toys before we went to chuck E Cheese (their choice). They had fun playing the games and eating pizza. We stopped at TCBY after for some ice cream since the girls don't really like cake. It was a busy day that started early and I would have thought they would be tired and ready for bed when we got home, but no, they were still ready to play and Jack somehow talked them (and us) into a game of baseball. Whew! Birthdays wear me out!! I'm glad they had a great day.

Birthday girls before school

Dirty face=fun day

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