Sunday, August 9, 2015

Party at Amazeum

Girls were invited to a birthday party at the new Amazeum that opened up this July right down the street from us. Jack went with a buddy last week, so the girls were anxious to see the new children's museum.There was a water area, construction area, market area and huge tree to climb. We didn't get though the whole museum, the girls spent most of their time at the market checking things out and the cafe making me lunches. After playing for a bit, we had cake and ice cream, then they went to the Hershey's Science lab and learned how chocolate was made and got to make some. Yum!

Drying off after playing in the water

Making me lunch in the cafe

The signs were exactly like the walmart ones. Only in Bentonville!

Anna worked in the bakery for a while

Such a nice group of first grade girls
In the Hershey chocolate lab

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