Thursday, August 13, 2015

Staples and Presents

Well, the kids were very excited for Mimi to arrive today! Right before dinner. We took the kids to Which Which and then we went to the new family ice cream social at St. Vincent. We signed up to mentor a new family to the school and so we planned on meeting up with them at the ice cream social. Well, we ended up at the school a little early so the kids played on the playground for few minutes. I went inside to take Anna to the bathroom, and when I came outside again, I heard, "Lizzie is bleeding" (Kate) and I saw here laying down. I went running and found her head was bleeding pretty good. Later on when I asked her what happened, she told me she was running under the bridge and the "bridge was too short." My guess is she has grown over the summer and she hit the top of her head as she was ducking under it. So, Mimi and I ended up at the urgent care, while John picked up the other kids from school. She ended up with seven staples, but she was a trooper and handled it well. She was a little upset that she couldn't swim for the next week (especially since her birthday party is tomorrow and it is a pool party), but by the ride home, she was okay knowing she would be able to play with water balloons and to play and see all her friends. While they were putting in the staples, we told her she could open a few presents tonight that Mimi brought early to cheer her up.

They loved their new pjs from the Fraziers, robes from the Chiazza's, backpack and lunch boxes from Mimi and stuffed animals clips from Aunt Cindy.

++++ Fair warning. I posted pictures of Elizabeth's head at the end of this post


After a quick shower the next day. It is looking really well.

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